September 21, 2006

Funniest blog post titles ever (this isn't one of them)

Such cleverness displayed in the blogshpere, as to make me laugh or, at the very least, crack a smirk, deserves to be recognized. The judging of this is based on the sole criteria of having a humorous title - I cannot vouch for the comicality found or otherwise lacking in any of the following posts, though it must be said that the content of most of these found herein equal in humor represented by their respective titles.

Pomp and Circumstance on an untuned piano, and throw a few wrong notes in for good measure...
Such vivid imagery, while the length in and of itself was droll enough to make the list.

Dead Man Blogging and An Open Letter to the Spider that Lives in My Shower
Each vying for a spot on my blog, neither of these could prevail over the other...I decided to spring for a dual award on behalf of this jocose blogger.

Have you ever been led to Kiss someone?
Enough to raise a quizzical eyebrow...

Woot on vacation
She used the word 'woot.' Immediate qualification.

p for papal craziness
Sorry, but that's funny.

A Downside to Nail Polish
Cleverness reigns in this post title.

The Successor®
Oh, I knew this would happen! A sneaky little bugger...the placement of this post has more to do with the content of the post than the actual title. However, I'm sure it can squeak by, simply because of the R in a circle after the name - it does add a lot to the title.

I Believe in Phlifterofftenopf
Me too.

Just STOP "it's" !!
Any grammartarian will appreciate this title...and post. (While considering myself among said "grammartarians," is it right of me to make up a word not found in Webster's?)

Go To Hell Footnote
Humorous, because honestly? Who hasn't thought that?

Why I Am Not an Armenian
...It's because I'm a Calvanist.

People hate kids.
This, more for the shock value.

Dave Hunt Denies Original Sin
I couldn't tell if this was more funny or sad...I think it's erring on the side of 'sad.'

Coming Soon in 2006
This is only funny because there has not yet been a post claiming the date "2006." And it's rapidly approaching 2007.

And I thought it was quite apropos to end with this:

Poking fun, because... well... it's funny
Quite. Clearly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, mouse in one hand, dictionary in the other.

Jocuse: Joking or playful.

Did you get your mouth washed out with soap a lot when you were a kid?

9/22/2006 8:02 AM  

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