August 23, 2006

Turn Signals

They are so passé.

No one uses them anymore. They have simply become superfluous. If you're driving, and your driving becomes an impediment to another driver because of a planned turn or lane-shift, whatever you do, don't use your turn signal! You'll only look old school. And not the kind of old school that's so "in" right now either. You'll look dowdy, and there's nothing like flipping on the turn signal to immediately classify you to all drivers within visual range as a "square."

Who wants to be a square these days??

It's alright; there is hope for those left in the dark days of blinking car lights and courtesy. It may be hard to pull yourself out of the rut (particularly if you're accustomed to adhering to the unwritten rules of Minnesota Nice - but no one told you? Those times are quickly fading into the oblivion of past glory).

Here, I have compiled a 5-step program - free of charge! - to combat that ghastly stereotype, "Square Signaler."

1. Depending on your level of confidence of delving into this foray of New Driving Techniques, you'll want to proceed cautiously. Not too cautiously, mind you, because that would defeat the whole purpose, now wouldn't it?

2. As a beginner, first note how, as you start to contemplate a lane-change, your movements become more attentive to the traffic immediately surrounding your car. You crane your neck around to check for a vehicle immediately to the side of your car; you may lean forward to check side mirrors for any blind spots you might have missed; your hand reaches out for the turn signal and--stop there. Don't do it. And relax, already. Glancing into side mirrors should do it, and you may either glide into the adjoining lane or swerve in. It's dependant on your confidence level, assertiveness, and the year of your car model.

3. Once you have worked your way up to that point, and feel comfortable with moving forward, the next step is rounding right-corners - particularly those corners that are unadorned with "right turn lanes." The trick to these is to just slow down. This takes a certain amount of finesse. If the corner has a stoplight and the light is green, you may get a few looks, but down worry about those. They're probably from those squares that you're now disassociating yourself from. So just slow down, and kind of creep around the corner slowly. This may take a while to get the flow of it. Be patient.

4. On a much more advanced level - one that I've seen executed rather infrequently, and only then by sheer professionals - is the left turn across on-coming traffic without a turn lane or exclusive arrow light. To not use a turn signal while waiting for an opening in on-coming traffic while a line of cars wait behind you, confused as to what the hold-up is, would be considered truly heinous merely a few years ago. But that was then, this is now. As you sit there waiting for an opportunity to turn and you start feeling a twinge of compunction for stopping up the farthest left lane of the street, you may inch forward into the intersection. That will give the cars behind you--who pulled up a little too close to you that they can't get into the other lane--an occasion to get around you. If you choose not to do that, that's fine too. It's completely your prerogative.

5. You would think we've covered everything there is to cover, but wait; there's more! To make a complete transition from prude to rude--I mean, hip--you must shirk the turn signal mind-set. Thus, in reverse method, if while in traffic and someone is waiting to merge into your lane directly in front of you and they happen to have their turn signal on, you must ignore it. They obviously don't want it bad enough, otherwise they would have followed this 5-step program and just swerved into the lane. If they try to weasel their way into the lane thinking their turn signal gives them some sort of allowance or understanding, honking at them might encourage them in the direction of self-improvement.

I hope working through these few steps will help you in looking cooler and feeling a little more free-spirited behind the wheel. Just always remember:

Blinkers: they're a thing of the past.


Blogger Frank Martens said...

"and the year of your car model. "... No doubt...

Just a side note... remember, practice means everything!

8/23/2006 1:03 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Ahh, my first testamonial?? Sweet.

Practice. Indeed, be sure! Thank you for the reminder.

8/23/2006 1:06 PM  
Blogger Jen2 said...

Tis true...tis true.

Before I was saved....well, let's just say, I wasn't a very "nice girl" and I drove a car, let's just say, it wasn't a very "nice car"

It was pretty beat up and I really didn't care if I hit stuff......(hmmm.....good thing I've "changed"....since I've been I only care if I hit stuff IF it means that people might get hurt)
NOTE: the yellow pole at Bethlehem Baptist. Yep, the middle one. :)

Back in the day, when pedestrians would be walking too slow across the street not paying attention, or if there was a guy on a bicycle in the road, I would honk and shout out "Does it LOOK like I CARE if I HIT YOU??"

Now, I just smile and thank God that I know what Grace feels that I can give it out freely ....just as He gave it to me.

8/23/2006 8:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One word of advice, if your not going to use you turn signals, don't let your insurance company know...well, wait...isn't actually having insurance become pass`e too?

8/24/2006 12:08 PM  

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