March 27, 2007

Dry dog

In response to Craver's post, I have been thinking about prayer. I loved what was said in one of my favorite books, Valley of Vision, regarding this topic. Consider the following:

"The soul learns to pray by praying; for prayer is communion with a transcendent and immanent God who on the ground of his nature and attributes calls forth all the powers of the redeemed soul in acts of total adoration and dedication."
(Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions - Preface)

Does anyone else find it difficult to learn praying by praying? It's a tough, but sweet, lesson.


Blogger Heidi said...

Definitely, friend. I, for one, am always looking for the latest and greatest book on any topic I'm trying to "learn."

If I think about it, though, I realize how stupid that is. Would I learn to swim by reading about form and perfecting my stroke on land? NO! I would get in the water! That said, I don't think it hurts to have good "swim instructors" in our lives to pray with and learn from. I learned how to pray using scripture by hearing others do it first.

3/28/2007 5:22 PM  
Blogger Craver Vii said...

Wet cat/dry dog... I get it, but it took a while. My brain is just about finished for the day, and I barely have enough in reserve to keep the heart and lungs regulated.

On learning to pray by praying, I would say two things. First, that I wonder if the author simply means, don't wait to start the journey until you have all green lights. "Just do it." Second, I've learned a lot by praying together with other people. One person is transparent and bares her heart, another ties his prayer requests with specific scripture, another is very intentional about what he is and isn't going to pray about before bending the knee. Then on top of that, you have some pray-ers that, how shall I say, they teach you how NOT to pray (irreverence or foolishness). Even that is helpful, as I know to avoid it in my time with the Lord.

Peace, Kiddo!

3/28/2007 5:24 PM  
Blogger Jen2 said...

Surely sister!
It's funny how Peter didn't feel like he had to take "walking on water lessons" prior to getting out of the boat....he didn't think about it. Yes, this analogy will not work if you keep reading what happens to our man Pete...but surely, he was initially- just taking a step in faith that he would get to Jesus.

3/28/2007 5:49 PM  

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